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  3. Polar 2000 Oy
Unfortunately, this company is no longer in operation. The business may continue under a different name or the company may have been merged with another. For up-to-date information, we recommend conducting a new search.

Polar 2000 Oy

Business ID: 0890903-2

Postal address: Kaukaankatu 30, 53200 Lappeenranta


Basic Info

Company profile with essential information such as contact details, location and registration details.

Auxiliary Names:
Main line of business: Electrical installation (43210)
Company type: OY
Founded: 33 years ago (1992.07.15)
Domestic city: Helsinki
Last Updates: 2023.01.03
Postal address: Kaukaankatu 30 53200 LAPPEENRANTA
City: Helsinki
Post Address:
Street: Kaukaankatu 30
Post code: 53200
City: Lappeenranta
Country: FI
Date of registration: 2018-05-31
Post Address


Register Status Start date
Trade register Ceased 2023-02-28

Registrations history

Register Status Start date End date
Trade register Registered 1992-07-15 2023-02-27
Tax Administration Registered 1992-06-18 2023-02-28
Prepayment register Registered 1995-03-01 2023-02-28
Value added tax-liability VAT-liable for business activity 1994-06-01 2023-02-28
Value added tax-liability VAT-obliged for the transfer of rights to use immovable property 2008-02-13 2023-02-28
Employer register Registered 1992-10-01 2023-02-28

Business ID changes history

Change date Change Description
2023-02-28 Fusion Business ID (0890903-2) merged into Business ID (2528874-1)

LEI details

An LEI (Legal Entity Identifier) is a unique 20-character code used to identify companies participating in financial transactions.
LEI code Status lei.sart-date Register
743700OM58LGIY7M6086 lei.Merged 2/28/2023 Business Information System
Business Information System

LEI code history

Status Start date End date
lei.Merged 2/28/2023
Issued 2/28/2023
Pending validation 2/28/2023

Current status of LEI code

Date of last update 2/28/2024
Next revision date 2/28/2023

Government Purchases

Business transactions where goods or services are sold to government entities or public organizations.

Municipal Purchases

Invoice id Account Transaction amount Transaction date Suppliers's name Purchasing department ID Purchasing department name Parent organization ID Parent organization Sector Product and service category Purchasing category
No data...


Public information on the income taxes of corporate taxpayers. Tax data for corporate entities and partnerships becomes public at the beginning of November in the calendar year following the tax year.

Year Tax minicipal Taxable income Tax paid total Total advances To refund To residual
2011 091 HELSINKI 461 636,12 € 120 033,86 € 119 597,39 € 0,00 € 436,47 €
2012 091 Helsinki 1 039 208,58 € 254 606,43 € 254 586,50 € 0,00 € 19,93 €
2013 091 Helsinki 376 734,70 € 93 526,65 € 113 100,84 € 19 574,19 € 0,00 €
2014 091 Helsinki 418 844,02 € 85 321,42 € 76 653,12 € 0,00 € 8 668,30 €
2015 91 610 622,52 € 124 897,65 € 76 630,44 € 0,00 € 48 267,21 €
2016 091 Helsinki 183 575,73 € 37 184,36 € 85 199,64 € 48 015,28 € 0,00 €
2017 091 Helsinki 693 137,92 € 141 273,67 € 124 226,64 € 0,00 € 17 047,03 €
2018 091 Helsinki 594 079,42 € 120 860,16 € 37 322,64 € 0,00 € 83 537,52 €
2019 091 Helsinki 205 006,59 € 41 683,84 € 141 018,48 € 99 334,64 € 0,00 €
2020 091 Helsinki 0,00 € 0,00 € 120 860,16 € 120 860,16 € 0,00 €
2021 091 Helsinki 41 484,34 € 8 296,87 € 41 683,80 € 33 386,93 € 0,00 €
2022 091 Helsinki 864 794,69 € 175 950,72 € 61 014,96 € 0,00 € 114 935,76 €
2023 091 Helsinki 0,00 € 0,00 € 0,00 € 19 993,70 € 0,00 €

Government Grants

Granted government and EU funding for research, development, and innovation.


Year R&D grants € R&D loans € EU structural funds € Research funding € Total €
2020 100 000 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 100 000 €


Year R&D grants € R&D loans € EU structural funds € Research funding € Total €
2020 70 000 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 70 000 €
2021 30 000 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 30 000 €