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Electromen Oy


Basic Info

Company profile with essential information such as contact details, location and registration details.

Auxiliary Names: Conlux, Conlux
Main line of business: Mechanical and process engineering design (71127)
Company type: OY
Founded: 36 years ago (1989.06.30)
Domestic city: Turku
Last Updates: 2024.09.30
Postal address: Vähäheikkiläntie 56 B 20810 TURKU
City: Turku
Post Address:
Street: Vähäheikkiläntie 56 B
Post code: 20810
Country: FI
Date of registration: 2009-02-27
Post Address


Register Status Start date
Trade register Registered 1989-06-30
Tax Administration Registered 1988-12-20
Prepayment register Registered 1995-03-01
Value added tax-liability VAT-liable for business activity 1994-06-01
Employer register Registered 1996-05-01

Business ID changes history

Change date Change Description
2024-09-30 Partial division Business ID (0722007-3) split partially into the company: Business ID (3452437-1)

LEI details

An LEI (Legal Entity Identifier) is a unique 20-character code used to identify companies participating in financial transactions.
LEI code Status lei.sart-date Register
743700KEA5I235ORN825 Issued 10/16/2017 Business Information System
Business Information System

LEI code history

Status Start date End date
Issued 10/16/2017
Pending validation 10/16/2017

Current status of LEI code

Date of last update 10/16/2024
Next revision date 10/16/2025

Government Purchases

Business transactions where goods or services are sold to government entities or public organizations.

Purchases By City

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Municipal Purchases

Invoice id Account Transaction amount Transaction date Suppliers's name Purchasing department ID Purchasing department name Parent organization ID Parent organization Sector Product and service category Purchasing category
No data...


Public information on the income taxes of corporate taxpayers. Tax data for corporate entities and partnerships becomes public at the beginning of November in the calendar year following the tax year.

Year Tax minicipal Taxable income Tax paid total Total advances To refund To residual
2011 853 TURKU 381 772,15 € 99 260,76 € 99 256,59 € 0,00 € 0,00 €
2012 853 Turku 424 875,93 € 104 094,60 € 104 094,61 € 0,00 € 0,00 €
2013 853 Turku 311 870,13 € 77 684,16 € 62 051,43 € 0,00 € 15 632,73 €
2014 853 Turku 561 065,14 € 114 141,76 € 114 141,76 € 0,00 € 0,00 €
2015 853 580 971,87 € 118 215,70 € 116 557,24 € 0,00 € 1 658,46 €
2016 853 Turku 672 424,53 € 136 803,40 € 136 803,40 € 0,00 € 0,00 €
2017 853 Turku 961 618,00 € 194 859,87 € 195 323,60 € 463,73 € 0,00 €
2018 853 Turku 700 640,62 € 141 909,49 € 142 545,36 € 635,87 € 0,00 €
2019 853 Turku 659 514,74 € 133 246,36 € 134 176,25 € 929,89 € 0,00 €
2020 853 Turku 658 686,53 € 134 007,71 € 134 007,71 € 0,00 € 0,00 €
2021 853 Turku 1 105 169,68 € 224 033,94 € 224 033,94 € 0,00 € 0,00 €
2022 853 Turku 816 338,67 € 166 089,92 € 166 089,92 € 0,00 € 0,00 €
2023 853 Turku 599 040,92 € 121 869,82 € 0,00 € 195,16 € 0,00 €

Tax Debts

Entries in the Tax Debt Register. The Tax Debt Register is a public service that enables anyone to inquire about outstanding tax liabilities and negligence in tax return filing for all types of companies and self-employed businesses.

No record of tax debts.
No register entries that would indicate non-filing of the Return for Self-Assessed Taxes.