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  3. Asunto-Osakeyhtio Harjula, Tampere

Asunto-Osakeyhtio Harjula, Tampere

Business ID: 0155782-0

Postal address: Insinöörinkatu 30, 33720 Tampere


Basic Info

Company profile with essential information such as contact details, location and registration details.

Auxiliary Names:
Main line of business: Operation of dwellings and residential real estate (68202)
Company type: AOY
Founded: 105 years ago (1921.04.26)
Domestic city: Tampere
Last Updates: 2023.12.02
Postal address: c/o Tili- ja Isänn.keskus TIK Oy Insinöörinkatu 30 33720 TAMPERE
Visit address: Insinöörinkatu 30 33720 TAMPERE
Email: Show
Phone: 03 317 2448
City: Tampere
Office Address:
Street: Insinöörinkatu 30
Post code: 33720
City: Tampere
Country: FI
Phone: 03 317 2448
Date of registration: 2022-09-15
Office Address
Post Address


Register Status Start date
Trade register Registered 1921-04-26
Tax Administration Registered 1986-06-24

Tax Debts

Entries in the Tax Debt Register. The Tax Debt Register is a public service that enables anyone to inquire about outstanding tax liabilities and negligence in tax return filing for all types of companies and self-employed businesses.

No record of tax debts.
No register entries that would indicate non-filing of the Return for Self-Assessed Taxes.


A detailed overview of the company's technological infrastructure, including web technologies and other digital tools utilized across various platforms.


Last technology update

March, 2023

Web technologies detected on this domain

28 technologies

Web technologies detected across all tik.fi subdomains

29 technologies

Website rank


Website Location



Finnish (suomi)

Added technologies in the last 3 months


IP Address

IP Lookup

439 websites share IP address.

Autonomous System Number (ASN)


Total linking domains

26 domains

Total linking IP

15 IPs

Certificate Issuer

Sectigo Limited


Security profile

Live site

Secure connection (HTTPS)

Certificate valid

Outdated Techology stack: jQuery 1.12.4jQuery Migrate 1.4.1WordPress 5.3.14Yoast SEO 13.4.1


Web Servers

March, 2023

Content Management System

March, 2023

JavaScript Libraries


March, 2023