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Asunto Oy Helsingin Minna Canthin katu 9

Business ID: 0117507-2

Postal address: Eevankatu 2, 00240 HELSINKI


Basic Info

Company profile with essential information such as contact details, location and registration details.

Auxiliary Names:
Main line of business: Operation of dwellings and residential real estate (68202)
Company type: AOY
Founded: 88 years ago (1938.05.17)
Domestic city: Helsinki
Last Updates: 2015.05.29
Postal address: c/o Lahex Oy Kuusitie 14 01840 KLAUKKALA
Visit address: Minna Canthin katu 9 00250 HELSINKI
Email: Show
Phone: 09 879 6766
Mob. Phone: 040 577 6282
Fax: 09 879 7569
City: Helsinki
Office Address
Post Address


Register Status Start date
Trade register Registered 1938-05-17
Tax Administration Registered 1978-03-15
Value added tax-liability VAT-obliged for the transfer of rights to use immovable property 2005-01-01

Registrations history

Register Status Start date End date
Value added tax-liability table.registrations.member-of-liability-group 1994-06-01 1995-02-28
Value added tax-liability table.registrations.member-of-liability-group 2001-02-26 2004-12-31
Employer register Registered 1975-01-01 1986-12-31
Employer register Registered 1995-03-01 2005-09-30

Tax Debts

Entries in the Tax Debt Register. The Tax Debt Register is a public service that enables anyone to inquire about outstanding tax liabilities and negligence in tax return filing for all types of companies and self-employed businesses.

No record of tax debts.
No register entries that would indicate non-filing of the Return for Self-Assessed Taxes.


A detailed overview of the company's technological infrastructure, including web technologies and other digital tools utilized across various platforms.


Last technology update

March, 2023

Web technologies detected on this domain

3 technologies

Web technologies detected across all skv.fi subdomains

10 technologies

www.skv.fi redirects to


Website rank


Website Location




Total skv.fi subdomain count

1 subdomain

Top ranking subdomain

www.skv.fi (Rank: 6,372,648)

IP Address

IP Lookup

403 websites share IP address.

Autonomous System Number (ASN)

AS16509 (AMAZON-02)

Total linking domains

8 domains

Total linking IP

7 IPs

Certificate Issuer

Let's Encrypt


Security profile

Live site

Secure connection (HTTPS)

No outdated techologies detected



Web Hosting

March, 2023

Certificate Authority

March, 2023

Platform as a Service

March, 2023